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Florida district removes unsightly plaques (February 15, 2018)

Thanks to FFRF, religious messages have been removed from a Florida school. It was brought to FFRF’s attention that plaques had been posted in all school buildings in the Dixie County Schools District listing four district goals, the last of which is to “Serve with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to men. Ephesians 6:7.”

FFRF wrote to the district on July 25 explaining that courts have continually held that school districts may not display religious messages or iconography in public schools.

“While the display of plaques containing bible verses in a public school would be constitutionally prohibited under any circumstance, the DCSD’s plaques are especially egregious because the displayed bible language is portrayed as official school policy,” wrote FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel.

An attorney representing Dixie District Schools responded on Feb. 15, informing FFRF that the religious signage had been removed by the school.